My name is Zander Allen, throughout my career in graphic design, I have experienced significant growth in my skills. My education at Fanshawe College has helped me enhance my existing skill set, including my proficiency in various Adobe software suites and the ability to create artworks that I can be proud of. I have advanced from designing basics from iPhone backgrounds to creating impressive trade show booths for prominent companies in the steel fabrication industry. In both my freelance work and personal projects, I aim to achieve a balance between complexity and simplicity, demonstrating a unique approach in my artwork. A few examples of freelance opportunities that I have pursued includes; designing events for Hooper Welding Enterprise, where I assisted in creating their event trade show booth design. Also, design wedding napkins for various wedding events in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In my artwork, I utilize a variety of tools and techniques, such as MacBook Pros, extended monitors, various brushes, and my XP-Pen tablet for delicate areas. As my career advances, I aim to further develop my skills, expand my knowledge of different techniques and areas within this industry, and carve out my niche in this expansive new world while pursuing excellence in all my artworks.
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